Hello MSCIA’ers!
Yesterday, on November 4th 2017, World AIDS Day : Back to 90’s DAY 1 has been succesfully done. Our Comdev, KOPHA (Komunitas Orang Peduli HIV AIDS) which members are high schoolers around Malang, came and joined us.
The event began with lectures from dr.Eriko Prawestiningtyas SpF on how to communicate with ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV AIDS). Then, we had Small Working Group, where ODHAs shared their experiences and educate KOPHA about HIV AIDS. They got much information by directly communicate with ODHAs! They also made mindmaps of what they got from sharing with ODHAs and had presentation about it. After that, we had fun games! And last but not least is LETTO (Letter To ODHA) where KOPHA made letters to be given to ODHAs. And read it in front of them. They seem so touched and happy. The event ended with our tropical food party!
We hope Back to 90’s bring many benefits. For KOPHA we hope they get more knowledges, raise awareness, and can spread those awareness to people near them. For ODHAs, we hope they feel less discriminated, cheer them up, and know that there are people who care for them. And the last is, we hope we can reduce the risk of HIV AIDS.
Fight AIDS, not people with AIDS.
Contact Person : Putri widiani
LINE ID : putriwdn
Phone : 082112999966
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