My name is Timothy and I am one of the medical students from Universitas Brawijaya that attended the SCOPE Exchange Program in July 2023. Firstly, the reason why I chose France as my desire country is because based on the data, France has the one of the best health care system in the world. They also has a vast of very reputable university hospital so the medical students can learn with the experts and with the best facility. In addition to that, France has very beautiful cities, Nancy in particular, where I am placed in. Nancy is a very beautiful city, and the university hospital, the CHRU Nancy, also ranked as one of the most reputable hospital in all of France. That’s why learning in France will benefit me academically, and non-academically.
Preparation before undergoing the exchange for me is not that hard. The most important thing is the visa. I apply the visa through Netherlands so it would make me easier to earn the visa compare to France. Europe in July is in summer, so the weather will not be so different like in Indonesia, and even still colder. So that’s why the clothing won’t be any problem and I don’t have to bring any special clothes. And of course, because we’re in Europe so one of the preparations is the traveling. We have to find and book the tickets early so the price won’t skyrocketed. Also another important thing is I contacted the LEOs in Nancy about the details of the exchange so that I can prepare and bring something if needed. I attended the Orthopaedics Surgery department. In French, it is called COTA, or Chirurgicale Orthopaedique, Traumatologique, et Arthoplasty. Lucky me, Orthopaedics department in CHRU Nancy, the hospital that I attended, also has one of the best doctors and ranked as one of the best in France. They always used the latest and the most cutting edge equipment when operating on the patients. The attending also very skilful in operating the case. I met many doctors and the residents, and also the medical students. The day started with morning report. The morning report is the session where the residents report the case that they had and discussing it, and also discussing the upcoming case, about the procedure, the details, etc. Then it is the time for the surgery. The doctors were very nice. They taught me about the procedure of the operations, also always explain to me about the case that are going to be operated. I even got the chance to assist the doctors For me it was a really useful and a very unforgettable experience as a medical student. Life in Nancy is very good. The local committee give me a very nice apartment, a card for lunch in the hospital, and also a bus card that can be used for the whole month. Eventhough my host was not with me in nancy, she was very nice, she gave me groceries so that I can use it for making dinner. The thing that I have to adapt is the food. Food in France for me is not that good compare to Indonesia, so that I have to adapt well and try to learn the French taste. Other than that, it was very good and delightful Another thing that maybe become a concern for me is the local committee. This is a huge evaluation because the management is not adequate and they seems didn’t care for what we do because they just let us find our department and discussing the exchange with the tutor by ourselves, without any company from the LEOs or the local committee. Fortunately I met many good friends during the exchange so that helped me going through the whole month.
We always meet after the exchange, arrange out “cultural day” because the committee didn’t have one, and also we always spend our time together after we attend the hospital. That was one of the most important thing that I feel grateful when doing the exchange. So I think that concludes the whole month of me doing the orthopaedics surgical rotations in France. I hope this experience increase my qualification and also help me with the professional life in becoming a doctor, especially in becoming a orthopaedic surgeon . I would like to thank you to SCOPE, IFMSA, and CIMSA that make this opportunity become accessible to all medical students across Indonesia.
Timothy Sahala Gerardo
Universitas Brawijaya